We are glad you you have chosen to advertise with Housing.um2.muni.cz! Before submitting your first advertisement, please take a moment to complete the following registration details. Once you have submitted your registration, a brief confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address. You may then start looking for new student tenants for your house or apartment right away.

If you are a student, do not register and go directly to the login page!

Login and contact information

A confirmation message will be sent to this e-mail address, which will also serve as your primary login. It may also be used for communication by the site administrators.

The password must be at least six characters long and may include numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters.

The passwords must match.
Enter the city where you live for easier and faster searching in future.
Personal information
Enter your first name.
Enter your surname.
Real estate agent

Enter the name of the real estate agency you represent and on whose behalf you are currently advertising.

Additional details may be added following registration completion by going to the 'Edit real estate agency information' section of your profile.


Enter code from picture.